IPPA Retreat with Gary Box
March 23, 24, and 25, 2019
at Clark Knight Photography 180 West 400 South
Richfield, Utah
- 3 Days of Education from Amazing Professionals
- Hands on learning with IPPA Mentors
- Great Food
All for just $175 after the 15th of March $225
(Guest Food Only - Not attending any Classes $75) Guests attending classes should register separately.
Lodging at Quality Inn Richfield, Utah 540 South Main Street Richfield, Utah 84701 435-896-5465
Ask for the IPPA block of rooms $70.oo / Night
After 29 years in business, Gary Box is still at the top of his game. Gary operates Box Portrait Gallery near Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gary's studio has transitioned to a lower volume, higher end studio in recent yeard. Box is limiting to 100 seniors this year and targets a $2500 average order. Gary has been called one of the most consistent, great shooters out there, but he takes the business end very seriously as well.
Gary's course will cover
This is a PPA merited class